Friday, April 20, 2012


Sometimes my mind drives me absolutely crazy, other times it drives me too normal. One thing though, that has helped me ease any residual suffering is the process of letting go and forgiveness. And believe me I know, the word “forgiveness” sometimes triggers in us an uneasy awkward feeling that sometimes happens from hearing words that are hijacked from the new age spiritual facade. However, the process of forgiveness can be very effective…

First, as you are undoubtedly doing and as I use to do- when I hear “forgiveness” I think of an act in relationship to someone else but we should consider this for a moment- whatever we need to forgive someone else of, the problem that is causing us such suffering only exists within us, so I would argue that we should first turn the lens around to view ourselves before we attempt to forgive anyone else of whatever…

 I like to work with self-forgiveness at night, just before I go to bed, when I’m processing the day’s events. This type of processing can be done with things that are very trivial to things that are extremely profound. And the process is so very simple with such great effects on our minds.

So here are a few categories I might run into as I’m processing my day: I didn’t stand up for myself with that one person, I was too afraid to step up, I totally stuck my foot in my mouth with that one thing, I let that beautiful girl go without even trying, I gave my power away…..and the list can go on and on and on…but there is an end. Make a point to process at night and let these things that effect you roll over or bubble up to the surface and with each point- forgive. Forgive and let go. Do this and eventually the process becomes sort of automatic- we see the trivial as trivial and we constantly clear the bullshit and make room for more meaningful experiences. And when we get around to forgiving someone else, we will give the act power because we will have ultimately resolved the issues within ourselves first….

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