Monday, April 26, 2010

Clearing the Clutter

Often we forget or don't realize that our world views are a collection of cultural influences. Our perspectives are influenced and shaped by family, friends, institutions, experiences and media. We often leave little room for the perspectives that don't conform to this picture. When in conflict or simply interacting with others we can often find ourselves in a battle of differing world views where we except those ideals that match our own and disregard the rest. How can we hope to be present with another when all of our emotional space is taken up; when our minds are filled with the perspectives of all those ideals we've been conditioned to believe? Who is speaking through us when we are upset? Is it our father? Does it relate to our childhood experiences?

To be truly available with another while in conflict or otherwise we must be available to ourselves. It helps to examine why it is we believe the way we do, where our perspectives come from and if we truly except them. It helps to listen to the ongoing internal dialogue and pay attention to what we tell ourselves and how we are perceiving our reality. We may be surprised to find out that the voices that continually direct our actions do not belong to us or do not represent the people we wish to be in the world. If this is true we must clear the clutter and make room for new perspectives and new experiences. Only then can we be truly available to others, create our own experiences, collaborate more effectively and listen to people with the empathy they deserve...

Friday, April 23, 2010

About Perspectives

Perspectives was designed with the intention of gathering a community of those who are interested in conflict resolution as a way of understanding how we interact with the world around us from the inside out. Though at times strife may exist between family members, friends and co-workers, we can look to our own perspectives to understand how we create the lens from which we view life and what lies beneath. From the process of this exploration we can begin to understand the dynamics of any conflict, develop a deeper relationship with our selves and others as well as deeply ground ourselves in the confident and self-aware individuals we wish to be. I invite you to share your insights, ask questions, present conflict problems or collaborate with other members in this ongoing community project...

-Brook Panneck